critical error on wordpress site

Critical error on your wordpress website (Cloudflare Issue)

critical error on your worpress website

ERROR “There has been a critical error on your website”

This morning had an issue with multiple websites. (caused by the Cloudflare plugin update)

critical error on your web

Enable debugging by doing the following:

So, after checking the debugging information found the following.



























Cloudflare, I really think they provide a great service. Since they help secure and speed up a few of my sites for free I will forgive them.

This is what I needed to do to get it back online ASAP.

BTW, I removed the above plugin as well as it has become obsolete and installed a new plugin.



Here is the quick solution to get your site back online:

  1.  Login to your FTP software and connect to the site (I use Filezilla), then we will need to disable the Plugin
    – Cloudflare which was causing the issue for me.
  2. So browse to your websites plugin folder for me it was the following /public_html/wp-content/plugins
    – For me the plugin causing the issue was cloudflare – Right click on it and Rename it cloudflare_bak
  3. Try your site again and Voila! You’re back online.
  4. Make sure that if you did update your wp-config.php file to “true” then change it is set to “false” for security reasons





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